Jalopy Jaunt at Jalopy Fest!
Jalopy Jaunt Dirt Drags are held at Jalopy Fest.
September 8th & 9th 2023 at the Kendall County Fairgrounds in Yorkville, Illinois.
300' dirt drag strip.
1935 & older cars.
1952 & older drive lines.
DOT or better Helmets.
Must have two (2) Carburetor return springs.
Secure battery hold down.
Exhaust must exit up or back. Must not exit towards the ground.

Miss Jalopy Fest Contest
Congratulations! Below is the list of this year's contestants. Please note, the order in which you appear below is the order in which you will take the stage. And now Miss JalopyFest 2024 presents: Pop Art Pinup feat. Peter Max
1) Rosaline Rain
2) Miss Pink Snow
3) Miss Moda Lace
4) Lacy McGillicuddy
5) Miss Rosie Chiquita
6) Sadie Something
7) Trixie Mae
Coco Colada
9) Jun the Virgo
10) Millie Rose Mitchell
11) Anita Cruz
12) HannahBelle
Send 1-3 Pictures and your Info to: